Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee Showcases: At Museum Display Cases we are interested in always offering the best quality at the best price. We are a responsible company that has delivered thousands of showcases throughout North America for more than 20 years. One of the greatest rewards we have acquired in this time is the loyalty of our customers. This loyalty, among other things, we owe to a guarantee policy that protects the purchase of our customers.

Once a new client requests a showcase, it is designed and manufactured in accordance with the requested conditions. A specialist engineer is responsible for following the manufacturing process and choosing the best materials. Since the showcase has been manufactured, it is ready for shipment. Each cabinet is carefully packed following specifications that will prevent damage during shipment.

The Museum Display Cases guarantee protects your investment. Each cabinet is protected against manufacturing defects. If for any reason your showcase has any defect, we promise to fix it at no extra cost.

If you want more information about our guarantee or you want to buy a showcase with us, contact us, we are here to help you.